
Okay guys it seems that my app is just messing with me as you can see the rest of the chapter so I'm deleting that chapter the question thank you for lwtimg me know :) 


So the love interest to my new descendants book is.... MAL! she won by one point! Accounts that said they love both i went for evie as I love her a liiiiitle bit more then Mal but I would be happy with either. Please go check out the newest chapter of my Dove book as there's a chapter with the OC's and I would love to start with the descendants book xD


Guys I'm still working on the Oc's chapter. I have bunch of ideas! GOD.... I'm trying to narrow it down to five and I have three already. I still need to choose the forth and fifth ones but I think you will love them! (at least I hope so ) two of them are Ak's and three are VK's. The chapter will be up tomorrow for 100% as I'm doing the chapter right now. Its almost midnight here but its still summer break and my sleeping schedule went out of the window the summer started xDDD


Mal or Evie? 
          Just comment a name please I'm doing a book and dont know which love interest to use 


I stayed up all night to watch descendants 3 as I'm from Slovakia and I could only watch it via  Disney channel livestream. Its going again right after as it ended and its 4am here now.... If I would known that is would go again... I would still be awake all night and watch it at 2am who am I kidding! XDDD it was amazing and I'm so proud of everyone who has been part of this amazing trilogy! Seeing the core four and the cast happy warmed my heart and I'm sure that Cameron also watched from up there. I don't have words. It was so amazing funny and beautiful and I feel happy from watching it. As I'm rambling here its time for me to go to sleep so, good night folks... 


@ Hosie_Child  I guess I'll have to get my way into a TV this night... Welcome to the hunger games and may the odds be with me.


@ BloodAndMagic  its going two times right after it self I guess because I've seen it already it started at 2am where I live and its on rn again 


@ BloodAndMagic  no its today 


Dear Cameron,
          You May have not known me but I have been your fan since I was a little kid. I'm sorry that I'm writing this now but I just needed a little bit of time. I grew up watching disney cartoons and when I grew up a little I was addicted to Jessie. Your character Luke was always my favourite and since then I was your fan. I love watching you either on TV or videos of you. When I was feeling down or was suffering from depressions in the past I would watch funny compilations videos and often they were of you. Its scary how people can go at any age these days. God wanted another angel and he chose you. You're a light that went out too soon but you will always glow in the hearts of your family friends and us your fans. Have fun up there and look out for us. Love you and miss you. 


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that my stressful month officially ended and you can expect updates for Not so lone wolf!... Also I wanted to say a big thank you for more then 10k reads! We hit it recently but I didnt have time to say thank you because i was busy with school. I also wanted to say a big big big thank you to some people who supported me and this book and I'm so gratefull for you guys! :))) 


 Congrats on 10k reads 


Hey guys I hate to do this... I promised that the next chapter of Not so lone wolf would be up today but I'm sorry I'm not able to post it. Alot of you don't know that I'm acually graduating in 12 days and in less then a 3 weeks i have exams for my college so now I study for 2 things and its not funny.... I was able to write only half of the chapter maybe even less then a half and I'm so sorry but i just dont have the energy tonight to finish it but dont worry even if i die tomorrow I will finish it and upload it as soon as its ready. Love you guys! And thank you for understanding ❤️ :) 


Take your time and also pass that exam we will be here 