

Thanks for the fan luv! Do read my works if you find the time :)
          PS~ I have the craziest dreams too! They are never about me though and involve extremely intense and twisted storylines. I once dreamt from a male warewolf's pov who's dad went away for war and once I dreamt of this psychotic lady who obsesses over immortality and kills herself for it. Crazy. xD


Lol! I don't think you're lame at all.^_^ I rarely have bad dreams but when I do they involve someone that I know really well dying or sometimes its about me falling from a really high building and I would wake up just as I hit the ground, it scares me sometimes >.<


Thanks! Hahaha xD. Yeah. They mostly make up for good stories :P 
            Oh its easy to save the world! Just title a word document as 'The world' and save the document! Lawl! No? Okay :3 (I'm pretty lame :P)
            I get bad ones too though. And they influence me a hell lot. I once dreamt of dancing with this guy I used to like. It triggered me so bad into depression. Hated it.


Wow! those dreams sound crazy fun! I once dreamt that I was a werewolf trying to save the human race sadly I woke up before I could..
            And I'll be sure to read your works, they're great!