
Phew! What a year of turmoil and uncertainty the world has had! 
          	I hope your 2020 has been as good as it could have been and that your writing dreams and ambitions have all progressed – I've finally kept a New Year's resolution and managed to finish my first novel! Of all the artistic media e.g. audio, visual, movies etc, writing is probably the purest way of telling a story and unique in allowing the audience’s imagination the most freedom in experiencing the end effect, so as writers here’s to more creativity in 2021! 
          	However you mark the holiday season, I wish you all a happy and secure holiday, or the courage and kindness to change (I think Kung-Fu Panda said that, but I forget...) 2021 to how you’d like it to be. 
          	Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Thank you. Happy holidays to you too.


Phew! What a year of turmoil and uncertainty the world has had! 
          I hope your 2020 has been as good as it could have been and that your writing dreams and ambitions have all progressed – I've finally kept a New Year's resolution and managed to finish my first novel! Of all the artistic media e.g. audio, visual, movies etc, writing is probably the purest way of telling a story and unique in allowing the audience’s imagination the most freedom in experiencing the end effect, so as writers here’s to more creativity in 2021! 
          However you mark the holiday season, I wish you all a happy and secure holiday, or the courage and kindness to change (I think Kung-Fu Panda said that, but I forget...) 2021 to how you’d like it to be. 
          Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Thank you. Happy holidays to you too.