
@destiny1419 stick your elbow out whilst you are doing up the girth. When she turns to nip, literally elbow her in the mouth. Harsh, but it's what a horse in the wild would do :)


          I did a lot of research and this is the answer I came up with. Gorgeous horse in the background by the way :) Is he yours?
          I think it varies, depending on the strength of the Arab side of the parents. Some Arabians rarely have 205 bones, but not usually the purebreds.
          I found an interesting fact about purebred Arabs too. Because they have less vertebrae in their back it means their loins are shorter and they can carry more weight than a normal horse, up to 30% for a healthy Arab with no joint defects. Cool eh?!
          I'm sure you'll know the answer so please give me the correct answer if I'm wrong and let me know if I'm right!!!


Hiya everyone! School is starting again for me tomorrow, after a MASSIVE month-long holiday (2 weeks of it was actual school holidays though :\) And now I am on crutches, I AM GOING TO FAIL AT GETTING TO CLASSES. I literally have 8 out of my 9 classes upstairs, and legit they are all the whole way accross the room to the others :\ 
          Plus I have bus' and have to change busses and everything :(
          KILL ME NOW!