
I'm listening to Steppenwolf's 'Born to be Wild' at the moment and it's making me really nostalgic and emotional because I was obsessed with this song when I was really little. <3


Hey!! You seem really cool! !! I'm in love with your art, you have such a distinct style and your characters are awesome
          Plus every time you make a Beatles reference I immediately start singing along in my head, it makes me so happy aahh (`∀`)


@almostpearlescent Ohh, that's so sweet! I'm so happy to hear that, you have no idea <3 thank you very much!
            And yes, the Beatles are AMAZING. I'm just a TEENY bit completely obsessed... glad to hear I'm not the only fan :)


I was wondering who tf this Hollissey chick was because I didn't get a message for any comments but it's just Beeno Vaughno


@RadleyL Also I was sick of people telling me "HEHEHE LmAO UR NAME hAS 69 IN IT."


@RadleyL I see. Yeah, I was 100% done with my old, cringy (Cringey? Cringy? Idk how you spell it since it really isn't even a word) username and I changed it. Good riddance, Moonlightwolf1269.


Ello! Been a while, huh?
          I clicked on your profile too fast and accidentally unfollowed you- that’s why you’ve probably gotten a notif saying I followed you lol
          How have you been?


Were you really? I feel honored :0
            Glad you’re doin well! I’m pretty good myself. I’ve been super inactive on here and I’m trying to slowly get back into the gist of things. My julian2 x reader is almost at 13.5k too!!


@Imawarriorcat10 oh, wow. I was just thinking about where you've been the other day. Good to see you! 
            Things have changed a lot over the past few months... some for the better, some for the worse. But I've been practicing being more positive and productive -- which is helping a lot. Anyways, how have YOU been?