
Also, another note, I am not English person. So if you see choppy grammar in my stories, then don't be surprised. As long as you don't worry about the choppiness, then you can enjoy my stories.


So after about 3.5 years, I decide to use Wattpad again. A lot has happened to me within those years, but a lot happens to us every year, right? Anyways, every story I have made 3.5 years ago is deleted, primarily because they were terrible and I would probably never be able to push myself to finish them. However, I have 4 new stories published on here (3 are completed, and other one is not quite complete yet (expected to be completed by the end of the year)). These stories are "Night of the Living Steves", "Uncool Season", "Night of the Living Steves 2: World War Steve", and "Night of the Living Steves 3: The Research of Steves" (the story that is not quite complete). I quit writing stories back in 2016 because I did not think that they were actually good. But during my freshman year in high school (2017-2018), I did a lot of writing with my girlfriend, and thanks to her, she was able to convince me to do more writing, even though they are not actually that great. We have separated now since she had to move away, but I am grateful for her having me to be able to keep writing. I have a whole bunch of other stories I did with her, but I won't publish them since I want to keep them between us two and we never actually finished them. So the four new stories I have published are stories I have made on my own (with "Night of the Living Steves" and "Uncool Season" having a little help from my now ex-girlfriend). Around the beginning of my sophomore year, the "Night of the Living Steve" series was made and was mostly inspired by the special episode of "Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists", where it has a similar situation, but in these stories, the "zombies" are one of my good friends from school. Because of how my friends and I really enjoyed how the first one came out, I decided to make a second one and a third one. I don't plan on posting or writing much, because of school and other things I enjoy doing. Just remember to always keep on fridging!