
((Forever wanting to shoot myself for all of the great RPs I never got to reply to and I'll now never get back ;u;
          	Also sorry for the spam??? I just have literally no homework due till Saturday and there's only one assignment and I had a really good day??? Like praise the lordt????))


@Hikari_Hime_ Sarah stares at her friend with warm eyes for awhile and a sad smile planted on her lips. She slowly wraps her arms around Hikari, giving her a quick but warm hug. "We were...really close? Yeah. Close. You help me through my darkest times and well...I always put you as my sake buddie." A small chuckle escapes her lips.


@Sarah_Shimizuki Hikari hugs back, chuckling slightly. "I do have a rather strong affinity for sake." She paused then, pursing her lips. "Maybe there's some way to make me remember again, so I don't /have/ to start over."


@_Totally_Fetch_ Hikari blinks. "Fetch?" She repeats, the word rolling off of her tongue in an odd way. "Erm, thanks, I think." She chuckled. "I'm Hikari, it's nice to meet you Charlie."


@Hikari_Hime_ She stays silent for a while. The fact that one of her best friends doesn't remember anything about her, does actually trigger her. She purses her lips and winces, holding on her right upper arm. But she understands her situation and sighs deeply. After a moment of silence, a giggle escapes her lips. "No no, you're a great friend." Sarah walks over to Hikari and grins again. "Hehe, we can start over." She flashes a cheerful thumbs up. "Right??"