
Thank you guys so much for the 500 votes on my old Hershey Kisses :D


Are you a filipino? Or half? Or just knows much about our culture?? And btw i really love hershey kisses and i dont get why this hasnt reached millions of readers and voters i love it and you have a new follower!!!


@HikariYume i'd love that! i'll wait for it for sure!


@Cherry_Linn I'm Filipino American. Unfortunately I can't speak Tagalog but I can understand a little. Thank you so much for loving my story. I don't mind it hasn't got a million readers, but I appreciate every reader enjoying my story. I'm planning to re-write it actually to get a better ending so please stay tune for my upcoming new story.


To everyone reading the complete story of Hershey Kisses, I'm currently writing a reboot version. It's published with the same but different cover. I'd very much appreciate you guys check out the new version. Still same plot but new characters included. Thank you guys!! It's because of you, I do my best writing on my free time and update my stories.


Hello everyone. It has been a long time since I last posted anything. Well after reading my first story here, I am currently re-writing the story. I'm sorry if any of you haven't finished it, but this story is very dear to me and I want to scrap and write from scratch of Hershey Kisses. It'll have the same characters but their personalities will slightly. Just a tiny bit. It'll still end the same way with either being with Bryan or with Rick. It's up to you readers who should she choose in the end.


Hershey Kisses is almost over but there's going to be a twist. I wasn't sure how I wanted to end so I'm currently writing two endings. One to conclude the story and one to possibly lead to a sequel. I did this because I want you, fellow readers, to vote which ending you like more. But don't vote which one yet because after this story, I'm also going to publish a side story for a better understanding why she had trouble choosing. But it's totally up to you. Stay tuned for the remaining chapters and thank you for reading my first story here :)