
Dark Elites is back up!


Hey! I wish you'd put the dark elites back online. I truly enjoyed reading it and can't wait for the sequel, any hint as to when we can expect it?


@_mj_m_ I started writing the sequel ages ago and wanted to brush up the Dark Elites a little bit. Nothing from the story will change plot-wise, but I didn't want to put *editing* on the title. I will post the story early January late-december. The sequel will be up in February. Thank you ao much for reaching out! It always inspires me.


Please would you write a follower to The Dark Elites because it is the best story i've ever read on wattpad and I wish more people found out about that.


@ElvinAhlstrm I'm going to do a sequel. I'm going to reread it again (and try not to edit too much) then get started. I just wanted to thank you for reaching out to me. I write on a couple different profiles and I realized I always update based on feedback, even though I'm doing this for myself. I struggle to update when I feel ignored. Yeah, I know. I sound great. 
            But you actually cared and that makes me care. I'll let you know when I'm ready to publish.


Thanks for telling me because I read it before and it was awesome now I read it   again it's almost even better. You should read it if you feel so critical to it because you'll be surprised at how good it is.


@ElvinAhlstrm I've been thinking about this since you first posted it. Mostly out of surprise, I think. I'm highly critical of myself and my old writing. I'm afraid to even read The Dark Elites now. 
            When I started it, I promised myself I wouldn't do a sequel. I was pretty frustrated with all of the fanfictions that had their own sequels because I thought they WERE the sequels, so I wrote four parts in one massive 280,000+ word book. Still, I left the option open with that epilogue. 
            I'm actually considering it. I'll let you know if I can come up with anything good. 