
Hellar followers. (Most people won't read this because... My account isn't well... Popular lol) anyways. I created a new book, "Granny." Please go check it out!!! Three people have already discovered it, you be next. Please go like it, (I sound desperate lol) but I'm not anyways enjoy my newest story. 


Hellar followers. (Most people won't read this because... My account isn't well... Popular lol) anyways. I created a new book, "Granny." Please go check it out!!! Three people have already discovered it, you be next. Please go like it, (I sound desperate lol) but I'm not anyways enjoy my newest story. 


As you’ve probably noticed, this account hasn’t been active in a bit and that’s because Hidden Unicorn doesn’t go on Wattpad that much and I think she lost her password even though I’ve got it. Btw I’m @mattdock her best friend lol


@Hidden_Unicorn_Bug lol I never realized you did this omw


I meant to write “one of her best friends”