
Please be aware that all the tags that go with my story 'growing up' will be used. the story isn't over


I'm sorry I know I made a promise about posting today but I had some family problems that will be posted in my story 'growing up' later when I get to the part where I am as of now in my life... I'm sorry. 


@HiddenSugar16 well yesterday technically it's past 12 for me :'( now I have to go to bed. 


my story, 'growing up' is about my life. I apologize that the chapters are put together sloppy. it's hard to think back on things, and especially things I don't want to remember. I might need to take more time on them so the chapters will be organized well. I need time to think about everything that has happened. some chapters I've realized I had forgotten a lot of information that has happened in between. I will add the missing information when I just get the chapters down, first. 


Everything im posting in my story will be all things that have happened to me irl, or just things in general. I just want to tell my life story, Just to get it out there. Don't give up on my story it will get better in the future. I might improve parts or add things I might nave left out or maybe messed up on. So get ready