
Some people like to bring others down to make themselves feel better and because of the fact that the person they're trying to bring down is above them.


To the person who messaged me about a comment of mine (you know who you are). I just want to say WOW! You clearly lack proper education and breeding. "I suggest you leave if you do that like my comment!!"?  Cussing? Generalizing that the authors are greedy and selfish, and that they do it just for a hobby?! For your information, some authors post their stories here to get recognized by publishers because when they turn in their manuscript, it's usually not noticed because of the vast number of aspiring authors passing their own works. And through this app, they get noticed. Furthermore, since not all publishers can read and publish the stories here, Wattpad has taken it upon themselves to help these authors. You can't even see that!? You even have the audacity to say that I'm not needed and to get a life when you yourself is not needed on those authors' wall and books. You should sort out your life and stop spreading your negativity and hate here. Anyways, if can't accept any of that then it's out of my hands. Au revior! :D