
Hello folks,
          	How's quarantining going? 
          	Remember drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated.
          	Oh according to the WHO, adding garlic to boiling water, later adding salt once it is a little less hot and drinking it will apparently boost your immunity. Give it a shot! Make your fam ppl drink it too! 
          	Stay healthy guys! 
          	Btw if you feel like you have any of the 3 main symptoms get yourself checked. The earlier the start of treatment the better, though there isn't a proper cure yet. COVID 19 is rumoured to be 80 percent self healing apparently! So there's no need to worry much, but always consult your nearest doc:)
          	Keep fighting. Stay strong.
          	Lot's of love,


Hello folks,
          How's quarantining going? 
          Remember drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated.
          Oh according to the WHO, adding garlic to boiling water, later adding salt once it is a little less hot and drinking it will apparently boost your immunity. Give it a shot! Make your fam ppl drink it too! 
          Stay healthy guys! 
          Btw if you feel like you have any of the 3 main symptoms get yourself checked. The earlier the start of treatment the better, though there isn't a proper cure yet. COVID 19 is rumoured to be 80 percent self healing apparently! So there's no need to worry much, but always consult your nearest doc:)
          Keep fighting. Stay strong.
          Lot's of love,


Helloooo people,
          As we all are aware of the corona virus pandemic, I aim not to further scare ya'll. 
          However make sure you wear a N95 mask while going out in crowded places and always keep proper hand and oral hygiene and everything in between. 
          Corona only has a death rate of about 2 percent unlike Swine flu with a 60 percent death rate, however prevention is ALWAYS better than cure!
          So stay safe guys! 
          Don't fret too much, but don't take it lightly too! 
          Take care~ 
          - Lots of love, HBL


Hello lovelies,
          I updated my "A blind date with your enemy❤" annnnd included some more nice stuff to it! Just thought why not?! So give it a try if you're around the block.
          Btw thank you beautiful souls for following me and adding my work to your libraries. A truck full of updates are on its way!


Loved your recent poem about peace on Penguin India's page. You're an amazing writer! Just added your books to my library, going to start reading soon.


@Huskyontherocks Omg thank you so much❤ I'm really happy:) *He hee* Thanks again for taking your time in letting me know! Means a lot love❤


Meet Andrew Collins, former basketball player who had what you call a glorious future ahead of him until that one moment in life he'd die to go back to and honestly he is dying.
          Meet Jen, your everyday resident doctor with her own struggles at hand sporting her way through residency. 
          If two unusual people engulfed in the society's usual darkness collided in a way never before, is mass distruction the only outcome? 
          Who will manage to save the other before the time runs out? 
           #Updated!!!! Do check it out~♡


Sometimes we hold on to people not because we can't let go, but because we don't want to.
          Maybe we like the person we were, around them that without them we feel robbed of identity.
          Maybe we like them for what we had pictured about them in our heads. 
          Whatever the reason may be, there's always a way out.
          That is to stop forcing yourself to look for a way out.
          Face things the way it comes at you.
          Stop thinking hard and overthinking.
          ~~~ This coming new year may you all move away from what's hurting you the most and find happiness ~~~
           #ADVICE #HBL