
Hey fluffies, I haven't really updated in a while. Now that school has started back up for me updates are gonna be waaayyyyy slower then before so bare with me. I am working on chapter 9 and am just slowly building up to the actual plot. I love all and hope you all have chocolate and popcorn. Adios amigos.  ~ FluffyPunks


I love you all*


Hey fluffies, I haven't really updated in a while. Now that school has started back up for me updates are gonna be waaayyyyy slower then before so bare with me. I am working on chapter 9 and am just slowly building up to the actual plot. I love all and hope you all have chocolate and popcorn. Adios amigos.  ~ FluffyPunks


I love you all*


Omg guys! I feel really, really, really, extra really bad for not updating! But I promise that I am gonna work extra hard and get the next few chapters done! I'm stressing a lot right now because soon I'm going to be moving into year 9 in school so I have to be studying even more than I normally do. So thank you all so much for being patient and waiting. 
          I love you all SO much, lots of love ~ R ❤️


Hey guys! I felt like adding Justin's PoV on chapter 4 so if you guys could check it out. Also I've noticed how there are no comments on my story. 
          I would really appreciate it if you could just leave a comment and tell me what you thought of the chapter or give me any ideas of what you think could happen next! 
          I love you all ~ R ❤️ xxx