
So you know I said I'd update well, wifi out so I'm on data and well the powers out to :) hurray less work for me I mean Nooooooo I can update ŤwŤ


So im certain no one will read this.  if you do though i was bored and watching some anamatics and came up with like the most toxic relationship possible but also i feel like it would be fun to make 
          So like imagine a totally obsessed yandere and then an in love psychopath or a very manipulative interest  it would be like a toxic power couple. 
          So lmk if anyones interested 
          You can steal my idea and if you have any fics like this send them to me :> i would love to read them lmao


@HeyThatMansGay I wish that I could repost things in Wattpad– this is absolutely gold.


@HeyThatMansGay ohhhh that’s sounds inserting 