
I am reading A Breath of Fresh Air front to back for the first time in 4 years - and wow! I somehow convinced myself a while back that this very first story of mine was cringe garbage, but I was dead wrong. Not reading it in so long and going back with a pair of fresh eyes, I'm laughing, crying and getting mad at scenes/lines I wrote but completely forgot about. I LOVE how well I introduced Evan at the beginning and instantly made the reader care about him.


I am reading A Breath of Fresh Air front to back for the first time in 4 years - and wow! I somehow convinced myself a while back that this very first story of mine was cringe garbage, but I was dead wrong. Not reading it in so long and going back with a pair of fresh eyes, I'm laughing, crying and getting mad at scenes/lines I wrote but completely forgot about. I LOVE how well I introduced Evan at the beginning and instantly made the reader care about him.


Hi there! Please don't be alarmed not seeing any updates here. There were a lot of old outdated ones that have been deleted to clear up some space. Work on Road to Rockdale is still ongoing and progressing well, and further updates will be provided as I have them for you so stay tuned :)


so over the past year I've now seen 3 different people IRL who look *EXACTLY* like I imagine some of my characters to look, and it's really really weird haha. first I saw IRL Tyler at the Atlanta airport of all places, literally down to the hair, glasses and style. then I saw IRL Isaac working at a Chick-Fil-A. SPITTING IMAGE. and now today I saw IRL Evan working as a barista at Starbucks. he looked like him, spoke like him and had the same awkward yet charming energy, and GET THIS: this guy's name was Ethan. ETHAN. HOW MUCH CLOSER TO EVAN CAN YOU GET. I AM SHOOK. lolol i am convinced these characters somehow found their way out of wattpad and became real people


i should also mention that IRL Evan was working at a Starbucks IN THE REAL TOWN SANDPIPER BEACH IS BASED ON. WHAT.