


this message may be offensive
Well, isnt it nice doing well on ur exams and shit and having a good report but then you get it read out to you and ur parents are angry and make everything sound bad and they get pissed at you for having a short attention span and overreacting even tho all you want is for them to accept you and love you but everything you do is wrong, even with good grades and now your sitting on the ground crying ur heart out because you cant do anything right. 
          That's not how i want to end school. this isnt how i want my last day of school to be.


Hi, thank you so much for adding all my books to your favorite author list. Truly means a lot!! I was just wondering if you read chapter 49. Finding peace of Thee depressed princess. I feel like many readers don't see that chapter. Do you see it? 


@Bookwriter2121 I did read it. And don't worry about it. I love all your book, The Depressed Princess and I'm looking forward to reading all your other books. You are a beautiful writer with a great talent. Don't stop writing.