
Ardent Hope I is ranking #1 on the "chainsawman" tag, out of more than 1,2K stories and second in the "power" tag out of 48K stories.
          	I know it may seem not that important, but it's honestly something I'm really happy about!
          	And I really want to thank you so much for your support, I know I may sound repetitive saying that, but I'm so grateful about it
          	The first book was so well received even if the story may not be that good, it made me want to actually continue writing beyond the first part of the manga and to get myself bold enough to redact the way I wanted to, even if my style of writing may not be that good and turn out quite confusing at times.
          	Anyway I'm getting out of hand, I should get to writing as soon as possible and keep updating you all on the second part.
          	Thank you so much once again.


@Hexaler Emphasizing the relationship between Denji and Naruta will give a deeper tone to the work. Other than that, Power-chan is still the best Girl!


You deserved it, godspeed you magnificient bastard


Ardent Hope I is ranking #1 on the "chainsawman" tag, out of more than 1,2K stories and second in the "power" tag out of 48K stories.
          I know it may seem not that important, but it's honestly something I'm really happy about!
          And I really want to thank you so much for your support, I know I may sound repetitive saying that, but I'm so grateful about it
          The first book was so well received even if the story may not be that good, it made me want to actually continue writing beyond the first part of the manga and to get myself bold enough to redact the way I wanted to, even if my style of writing may not be that good and turn out quite confusing at times.
          Anyway I'm getting out of hand, I should get to writing as soon as possible and keep updating you all on the second part.
          Thank you so much once again.


@Hexaler Emphasizing the relationship between Denji and Naruta will give a deeper tone to the work. Other than that, Power-chan is still the best Girl!


You deserved it, godspeed you magnificient bastard


I honestly believe the only thing I've improved since the first book are the chapter's titles.
          Anyway, I'm really sorry for the delayed updates, a lot of things happened in between and I wanted to rest well and take it easy instead of writing with a mind all cloudy and end up giving you something that's not up to the standards of what you deserve.
          Anyway, I'm really bad with gifts and I want to give my girlfriend something for our 9th month together, do you have any ideas?
          Thank you so much for your patience and support, I love you all.


this message may be offensive
            Also for a gift.... A small plushie maybe? (I have never gifted a girl before)


Hey! I'm still alive!
          Perhaps this came to me as a dream and I just took it too far, and now that I think about it, perhaps this isn't as much as a good idea as I first thought, but anyway
          It is my pleasure to announce the second installment of Ardent Hope is finally out!
          I'm sorry if there's a long wait in between chapters, I'm actually going through my highschool finals and maybe I won't have as much time to write as I would like.
          Thank you so much for all the amazing comments in my previous work, it was amazing to read everything you all think about the chapters and seeing your reactions as the story unfolded before yourselves!
          Perhaps you'll find this new book quite a bit interesting, to say the least.
          Farewell for now.




@Hexaler FINALLY WHOOOO!!!!!![Excited]


This man woke up, and chose to write the best fcking chainsaw man 's story, like man, I don' t even know how you managed to transmit joy, fear, sadness and despair through your writing, you even made me tear up! I am really glad you chose to write this master-piece bro, keep up the good work! ( whenever you feel like it of course take your time ^^) 


Fr bro I was like: how tf a story on Wattpad made me tear up TWICE but, I’m really glad I was lucky enough to be able to find this story 