
I'm BACK! 
          	Hey guys, I've finally decided to take the multimedia approach and come back... I know I'm talking to the air here but just in case I wanted to make an announcement about it. Now all of my stories will exist both on AO3 and on Wattpad!! Although I might switch between the two on releases so that different people get to see different things but all in all it'll work out to my stories existing in two different platforms!! 
          	Hopefully this works out because I'm really looking forward to rereleasing some old work again with my newer edits and streamlining some things in order to really get my writing back on track!


I'm BACK! 
          Hey guys, I've finally decided to take the multimedia approach and come back... I know I'm talking to the air here but just in case I wanted to make an announcement about it. Now all of my stories will exist both on AO3 and on Wattpad!! Although I might switch between the two on releases so that different people get to see different things but all in all it'll work out to my stories existing in two different platforms!! 
          Hopefully this works out because I'm really looking forward to rereleasing some old work again with my newer edits and streamlining some things in order to really get my writing back on track!


Okay so this is big, I'm moving to AO3 and probably to some other sites like Royal Road, Wattpad was good but it just isn't working for me in the long run in terms of audience and my chance of getting people to see it. 
          I hope there were people that really liked my work, I'm using the same username on all my sites so it should be easy to find it, and I will be continuing most of my stories after rewriting them along with new ones. It's a whole thing and I hope some people here will see and move to AO3 or Royal Road to check out what I'm doing, of course I don't know if anyone is really reading this so we'll have to see.


Hello there, those of you that may be following and wondering where the chapter to this story you like to check out has gone... no I have no disappeared, I've simply been working on stories in AO3 and because of that can't keep up with the stuff here. 
          I promise that new chapters are coming, I had to rewrite the newest chapter for Mega Man ZX: After due to not liking how it was coming out... I'm also working on a new chapter for SOR: Future and Chrono Break which will also be coming so I promise you'll get a chapter at some point in the near future, in the meantime maybe give some feedback or make some predictions about the story! All of that stuff is encouraged, go wild and tell me what you think!


This is the first time I'm making a serious announcement so I'm just going to put everything of importance in this post for anyone who's interested in it so that the information is there for everybody.
          Firstly thanks for 200 views of Chrono Break, a lot of those are the determined readers who've stuck by one way or another and I'm glad that you have and I will continue to write it hopefully to your enjoyment.
          Second of all, Pokemon: Next Generation will be going on hiatus... I will leave the currently published chapters up but for now I will not be continuing as I have bigger plans for it that require more of my attention than I can give right now and it's been causing my sporadic schedule.
          Next I would just like to say that I very much appreciate any feedback given, so if you have anything that you want to say or ask I am fully open to any of it and would love to talk to anyone who happens to stumble across this small profile in the sea that is Wattpad.
          Finally I would just like to say that no matter what I will continue to write no matter what or no matter who's actually reading, but I thank you to those who have actually decided to read my stories and apologize if you may have been let down by my.... strange writing choices or scheduling.