
@KazeXKage078 Thanks! It's no problem! You seem AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@HerbieHadden Thanks! you seem even more AWESOME!!


Hey guys, sorry you haven't seen much of me lately but February is a pretty bad month for me and yes I know I wasn't very active before that but my dog died today and we have had him since he was 2 months old and his 8th birthday was on Monday I had to find out from my dad over phone call and I was alone in my house for 6 hours so I'm feeling pretty crappy right now so I'm probably not gonna be on here for a while now.
          I LOVE YOU POLAR EUGENE MORTON!!!!!!!!!!!❤


Hey my petite jolies (little pretties) I hope you all love movies, music, and books as much as me!!!!!!! If you want to recommend something give me the title whether its a song, movie or book I will be sure to check it out and tell you what I think of it just private message me the details and I will try to get me hands on it as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks! This means the world to me I never imagined that 'You Left Me, GO TO HELL!!!' Would be so popular and I hope you can all check out my newest story I've had it ever since I got on wattpad in the first place and just recently got the guts to publish it