
Alright, so I posted an update to TACLIYC. It took some time, but I believe I have some direction on this again.
          	I'll be honest though, I shouldn't have started something I wasn't super interested in. Being a long time fan of MCR, Danger Days was cool in theory, I just don't think I'm good at writing about it. I had a sequel planned for this but I'm not sure that's going to happen now...
          	Anyway, check out the update and let me know wha you think. 


Note sure if you are still active but I just finished reading your Frank series and it was phenomenal. It’s been a while since I’ve been so immersed by someone’s writing on this app and I felt like I was somewhere else while reading your content. Thank you so much for the delightful reads. 


Hi! I'm a fellow emo/FOB obssesed killjoy. Just trying to get people to read my stuff/follow me. I just started a Freard Fanfic called Smile for me and I'm deep into a Peterick Fanfic call This is the road to ruin. Check it out if you get bored. BTW my name is Jacey and I will take any votes/comments/views/reccs.


Alright, so I posted an update to TACLIYC. It took some time, but I believe I have some direction on this again.
          I'll be honest though, I shouldn't have started something I wasn't super interested in. Being a long time fan of MCR, Danger Days was cool in theory, I just don't think I'm good at writing about it. I had a sequel planned for this but I'm not sure that's going to happen now...
          Anyway, check out the update and let me know wha you think. 


It's been 7 months. 7 months without a single idea of what to do with TACLIYC. I figured I should start writing something and just see where it goes because at this point, I don't even know if anyone is reading this anymore. I hope you are. And if you're still out there, I appreciate. Thanks for sticking by my disappointing self.


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Long time, no see.
          I haven't updated anything in almost five months now.  I guess I could start with I'm sorry, but I'll quickly follow that up with I have my reasons.  I've been so bitter with my life lately that it hasn't even crossed my mind to update. I wish I had the drive, but it sort of seems like anything that can go wrong will at this point. From family passing, to stupid fucking boys wasting my time, I've been a little preoccupied.
          I would like to add that there is nothing more insulting and humiliating then to actually care for someone only to find out that you were just their distraction. It's sort of a long story that I won't get into here, but this is what currently has me distraught.
          Besides, I don't really have anywhere to vent this sort of thing, so it looks like you're my lucky audience.
          Long story short, I think what I really need now is a distraction. I haven't written so much as a paragraph in the last five months, so maybe it's time to get back to writing. I'm going to sit at this computer until I get something on the page. I'm hoping to get an update out tonight, but I can't guarantee it. I just know that if I keep sitting around thinking about all the things that suck in my life, I'm going to go insane ...


@WayIeroToro honestly, that's what takes me so long to update, too. I thought it was just me. :/ Everyone I meet on here seems so open about their writing, but none of my friends or family knows I write Fanfiction. They've read my original stuff, but I would be so embarrassed if they found this. Just letting you know I feel your pain lol. Also, super jealous about you seeing Frank! :D


@Headfirstforhalos4 It's very nerve wracking! I've even heard my friends making fun of people for just reading it, if they knew I wrote it I don't even want to know what they would say! lol. I'm so excited to see him! If I meet him I will seriously die.  I'll have to resurrect to tell you all about it! lmao


Hello everyone. I'm still alive. So, I've been working on TACLIYC and I have to be honest ... I am at a stand still. I'm really bummed. I had really great ideas for it but they have all seemed to escape me. I will try to update as soon as I can, but I just don't know where to go from here... :(