
Thankyou so much, haya! Really thankyou so muchhhh! I was so upset about how ep 26 have gone, i really couldn't see my hearts getting seperated on every slight unfortunes, i became skeptic on whether sanem did the right now and honestly was blindly at can's side! Knowing something tickling in my head of how everytime this gies so disappointing and sanem is always at the wrong aide, how even possible is it!? Everytime!!! 
          And then i read here about the rant, can is still my perfect man but highlighting his own insecurities clearly underlined my own insecurity i felt after the episode. Ek is special the smallest thing discomfort happens and we go crazy writing paragraphs! Really love reading perspectives but this came out Therapeutic! Not even kidding! 
          I just want them to be the happiest of couples with all of the crazy, i wish them the best even if it is not real happening! 
          Loved your writing and eternal love to ek!