
this message may be offensive
Guess who get her monthly? Yeah me. I’ve vomited 11 times, and the midol just kicked in. Thank all that is fucking holy for midol.


Wattpad, it’s pride month. I have expressed my gayness so many times. Please stop suggesting I read straight romance stories. You are actively making me dislike reading fanfics on here because I can never find anything like it anymore. Wattpad, do better. 


OI once again wattpad, I AM NOT STRAIGHT. Please please stop suggesting I read stories about straight people, I am not interested. You stopped doing it, and now it’s back. I don’t care how popular the story is, I don’t want to read it. I am a LESBIAN, please suggest stories that fit my sexuality.


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Ah fuck. Could you guys just stop updating your stories? I’m doing nothing and I and want to keep doing nothing but you’re distracting me and now I want to read your stories but I can’t because I have no motivation to and now I’m just sad.