
Heya, I know I haven't been uploading since uhh like a month but I will be able to upload in december.
          	You see, I have my first final exam in like 2 weeks,ak as a final presentation with some weird essay I need to write and it kinda takes time. So I hope you understand why I can't upload. I can still reply your comment since I sometimes take an hour break or something. 
          	In december, I will try to upload as much as I can. Sorry again for not uploading these days:')


We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care.
          See how many times you get this.
          I want you to know that you are an amazing friend till death.
          Once you read this letter you must send this to 15 people if you get at least 3 back you are loved.


Are you okay? Just checking in


No problem! I’m glad your doing fine, take as long of a break as you need <3


@Cupcake_Muffin00 yes I am okay. Thank you for asking. I needed a break from social media so I wasn't really there. sorry for making you worry


Heya, I know I haven't been uploading since uhh like a month but I will be able to upload in december.
          You see, I have my first final exam in like 2 weeks,ak as a final presentation with some weird essay I need to write and it kinda takes time. So I hope you understand why I can't upload. I can still reply your comment since I sometimes take an hour break or something. 
          In december, I will try to upload as much as I can. Sorry again for not uploading these days:')