
An update no one ever asked for
          	I'm slowly starting to feel burn out again in school. I just impulsively joined 2 big competitions (scrabble and debate) and my parents are slowly starting to give me a little too much freedom because they think that I'm old enough to take care if myself. I mean I don't mind the freedom but it feels like I'm on my own now.
          	I've been relating to "You're on your own, kid" a little more than usual and my cat's head just busted infront of me because my sister accidentally stepped on him. It's rlly stupid but I feel like I don't rlly have anyone to talk to except my cats and my dog. 
          	Btw, what does it mean when ur dog pees out random black dots? I'm getting rlly concerned for her. 
          	Like all I want right now is someone to just hug me soo tight that I won't be able to breathe and hold it just for a moment.
          	Anyways hope yall are doing better than I am right now


An update no one ever asked for
          I'm slowly starting to feel burn out again in school. I just impulsively joined 2 big competitions (scrabble and debate) and my parents are slowly starting to give me a little too much freedom because they think that I'm old enough to take care if myself. I mean I don't mind the freedom but it feels like I'm on my own now.
          I've been relating to "You're on your own, kid" a little more than usual and my cat's head just busted infront of me because my sister accidentally stepped on him. It's rlly stupid but I feel like I don't rlly have anyone to talk to except my cats and my dog. 
          Btw, what does it mean when ur dog pees out random black dots? I'm getting rlly concerned for her. 
          Like all I want right now is someone to just hug me soo tight that I won't be able to breathe and hold it just for a moment.
          Anyways hope yall are doing better than I am right now


I have something rlly heavy to get off my chest. 
          Around two years ago on new years eve me and one of my friend were looking for fireworks. We went to get one of her friend but we had to go through an alley at 11 pm, scared but we still went in. A few seconds into walking in a dude seemed to be following us. 
          I swear to God I could've been r@ped that day. If it wasn't for a dog that chased the three of us out I rlly could've been. When we walked out, thinking he was gone someone suddenly pulled me. It was him, then he whispered and told me that I was pretty and that he would've done things to me I there weren't alot of people. 
          I was planning to ignore what happened but eventually told my mom. 
          She didn't believe me, told me that I wasn't pretty enough to be harassed. 
          It has been keeping me at up night for the past few months now because I've told my close friends that I was almost r@ped. I feel like I'm lying to them because my family says otherwise. I feel like it was just a bad encounter and not being harassed. Deep down I know it was sexual harassment but idk I'm confused. 
          I still remember that day a little too well and I'm debating if I rlly was harassed or not.
          Idk I'm just rlly confused...


@HarrysGflol no need to thank me hon
            Take care of yourself :*


@C0RPSEch0keME thanks alot <3 I rlly needed to hear this


@HarrysGflol that is harassment. Ik exactly how u feel and ik how much it hurts when people that are supposed to support u don't even believe you
            Just know that you are strong and beautiful and deserve all the love and happiness in the world
            Take your time to heal and before you know it, you'll be the bad bitch we all know u are ♡


Help, I'm obsessed with boys


@anotherstargirl They're a bunch of celebrities (dilfs) because no one is good enough


@HarrysGflol ooh, which lucky guys have fallen under your obsession?