
Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy is now complete. All chapters are up.


Hello Mr. Lundy. I'm new to wattpad and need some help to get "my engines running on full steam". Your profile indicates that you've been in the writing business for some time. I would really like you share some tips with me and maybe review my work while I read your novel(s) and give my own take on them. Thanks for listening... 


@oddity1960 Hello and welcome to wattpad. I'm still learning too, but I'd be happy to offer advice. However, I am taking a break for the next four weeks. If you like, please private message me at the end of July and we can correspond.


@takatsu Thank you for your kind words. You are extremely talented. I look forward to reading the rest of Exspresso Love, and learning something from your artistry along the way.


@JTL232000 thank you for your kind words and for sticking through my story, hope to see you at the end of the novel and that things will unify with some degree of satisfaction. I saw your comment at some point about the tense of something but for some reason Wattpad was glitchy and I couldn't exactly find where you had left it. If you could show me where that is, would be much appreciated. I do apologize because it is something like a first draft so there will be many issues here and there. I'm editing it preliminarily and am catching things. At the same time, grammar is not my strength as a creative person and I tend to take creative liberties, so do bear with me. Do point out any jarring and glaring issues there are, preferably in private, so I can correct them. Thank you for your keen eye and feedback In advance!


Thank you for adding Espresso Love to your reading list and voting on the chapters. I hope that the journey within will speak to you or inspire you in some way and that it might be up to par in terms of writing quality for your reading pleasure! I also would like to congratulate you on your success and your writing career so far.
          Wish you many blessings,