
I will be deleting my work pretty soon. I won't be on here anymore


@HappyCandy14 Please don't delete your stuff, it's getting harder and harder to find good wattbooks these days, yours is one of the best I have


It's been 3 weeks whats going on with the updates.. Don't give up on it...


@caligirl23 I thought about it i still don't know


Dear Author, Im really not trying to make you feel bad but the spelling mistakes are making me a bit uncomfortable with my reading. If you'd like me to I could edit this story for you. So other readers can enjoy it .At no cost just so you can possibly get more votes and reads and might even win some kind of award here in wattpad and get to a high ranking. Please let me do it i really like editing and writing but right now I can't seem to find any ideas for my first story. So im trying to get an author to let me edit their story so i can have something to do, this past  days i've been really bored.