
I apologize to everyone waiting for an update! this little baby boy is a handful! but I am constantly thinking about Emory and have a billion and one ideas for her and other books in the future... in fact I've probably been thinking and dreaming way too much about this book lol too many ideas! but yes, I am still working on it and updates will be in the future :) hopefully sooner than later if this kid would let me type with 2 hands...


@cocorauhls of course :) how long have you been working on it?


Are you going to update?


@Renee-96 sorry Renee! yes an update is coming soon! I am just having a hard time with this next chapter. I've re_written it a few times and think I'm finally satisfied lol. I apologize for the such a long gap between chapters. I hate that I am being "that wattpad writer", especially since I had been on such a roll at the beginning. Thanks for asking for updates :) it does help me stay focused.


I apologize to everyone waiting for an update! this little baby boy is a handful! but I am constantly thinking about Emory and have a billion and one ideas for her and other books in the future... in fact I've probably been thinking and dreaming way too much about this book lol too many ideas! but yes, I am still working on it and updates will be in the future :) hopefully sooner than later if this kid would let me type with 2 hands...


@cocorauhls of course :) how long have you been working on it?


when am I going to get an update? :(


@Renee-96 I know I've been terrible!! It's because I've had people in town visiting the baby and taking up all my free time :( they all go home this week though! then I have a week free until more people show up so hopefully I can fit my update in there.


The last time you updated was on my 18th birthday. I'm dying for an update! I love how you write and your book!!


@Renee-96 good to know, Thank you! I am a book junkie. (another thing that distracts me from writing and cleaning my house)


@HannahKatherineG oh and BTW I checked out your reading list. The one that is titled "been recommended to me, but haven't checked out yet" the synthetic book and series is amazing! I actually just finished the 4th book in the series today. I think you will love it. If you need help with any other stories you might want to read, you can always look at my reading list and I have a favorite section, those books are amazing (synthetic is in there lol)


@Renee-96 ❤ I promise I haven't stopped writing! I'm just a perfectionist. Hopefully the next chapter will be ready this week. I keep getting side tracked by Juliets story. My brain won't stop going back to her! But Emory first  before I start on Juliet.