
I’m so sorry these people are harassing you-


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@-Monikasfiancee- oh shit I didn't even know :')


            I don't even think this dude's online on Wattpad


This isn't Hannah alexander this person joined along time ago plus I had a talk with alexander and she said she was never coming back to wattpad ever again


@--B4D_-_B1TXH-- Oh wow. That must have been scary


We chatted and it was normal til she started to get weirder and started to sexual harassment me


@RubyFireStone76 someone had gave me a book of Hannah that said she was in jail and I knew her because I met her when I was 10 and on gmail he kept harassing me. And. I knew her cuz we talked and we kept banning her but she wouldn't leave till she told me on gmail and after she got in jail I blocked the account she kept calling me babe and baby and I called the police on him at school and they ended up catching him


Guys, this is isn’t Hannah Alexander- at least, not the one that’s a disgrace to society. Please leave them alone-


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@-Monikasfiancee- Ugh ikr everyone's acting like anyone named Hannah is a bad fucking person like leave them tf alone-


Ok but wait 
          Is this actually Hannah? Because if it is, wouldn't she be following over 600 people? And if she's back, she wouldn't have been joined since February. It's impossible for her to be hidden for this long.


@-biirdie Finally someone who isn't giving threats to this random person