
Guys....GUYS! I was re-watching 'My Lovely Sam-Soon' and-and HAH! The idea struck me!! It STRUCK me! I almost wanna make a fan fiction based off of it but I have so many stories I need to work on. Hopefully this idea doesn't seen stupid later on in the future and I go for it lol!


Guys....GUYS! I was re-watching 'My Lovely Sam-Soon' and-and HAH! The idea struck me!! It STRUCK me! I almost wanna make a fan fiction based off of it but I have so many stories I need to work on. Hopefully this idea doesn't seen stupid later on in the future and I go for it lol!


I am planning to update "My Lovely War Doll", the next chapter will be hard to write as I'll be highlighting the subject of loss of a child, and the characters I intend to use for it. Please note, the characters I decided to use was out of my own belief that the poor souls needed to be remembered and loved because...Damn, they were did dirty in the anime! Lol. Thank you all, have a good night!


Interesting thing happened to me today! I found a golden edge diving beetle at work! (Yes! The ones featured in animal crossing!) I was so enthralled with appearance and the fact it ate a worm I fed it, that I wanted to take him home. And I did. And I put him in a nice vase I had for some tulips, and even left two bulbs in there for him to hide in between inside. Well, randomly...he jumped out! SPLAT! Right on the counter. My husband and I looked at each other before I stood up to see my 'lil buddy just sitting there as confused as we were! Like....HOW'D YOU GET OUT?! Unfortunately, the hubby isn't as fascinated with bugs like I am so I had to take the vase out on the patio. I hope he'll be there tomorrow, haha!


Hey there! Bet you're one of my readers going "Ugh, what's this chick got to say? That'll she'll be updating one of her stories and not carry through? What a joke." HAH! I wouldn't blame you. I am sorry I do that a lot. It's awful though...I've been having the absolute WORST writer's block. I'm trying to find a way to update 'My Soulmate' and my insecure brain is all 'Nahhhhh, that's gonna come by as cringey and you're just going to lose more readers than you already did' and stuff. 
          Not too long ago, but not so recently, did I ask advice of an elder that writes as well, how to get over writer's block. And her honest answer; "Get drunk." 
          "Oh? Really now? Well, then...I'll keep that in mind." Said me. 
          So, here I am....rambling on the internet, more specifically 'Wattpad', not really even making a point or serious announcement as to why I'm writing on here, making endless typos and going back and fixing them as I go along, feeling good from my lightweight, yet feeling frustrated with myself, because I love writing so much, but can't seem to shake off this fear...on whether or not you guys would like what I upload. 
          I don't know why I think this way. And, It's not like what I'm writing is anything controversial, or life altering, or even mainstream. It's just fan fiction for a character that I adore that was purely created from and amazing author. And despite being married, I still adore this character. 
          For any of you who even took the time to read this, the lone thoughts of a drunk young woman...
          Thank you. 


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Let this be a day to express the love you feel for those close to your hearts. During times like this is hard for many, so  be kind and love with your heart despite the evil in the world right now. 
          Funny thing, I went through one of my old notebooks and found something interesting. It was an old story plot i thought about during the writing of "My Roommate" but never went through with it. The story title was going to be "Your Melody". Basically, the story was about Levi, Hanji, and Mike (Miche), whom are a renowned music group. (Y/n) (Reader) is placed as their manager after the group's last manager got them involved in a scandal! *gasp* Their singer, Levi, is actively non-cooperative with their new manager. But, she's just as stubborn as he is. Will (Y/n) get these three to create an album by the end of the year before the company their signed with cuts their contract?
          Neat huh? If I didn't have so many stories already I'd write it...
          The songs I wanted to use in the story would've been based off of Mystery Skulls. I grew up listening to electronic music and stuff, and I could imagine Levi singing them and being all cool. *Sigh* 
          But yeah. I'm also thinking of scrapping one of my stories. I see no way of getting them written-URGH! But, I so badly wanna know MYSELF what the outcomes of my stories will be. I'll just have to try harder. 
          Anyway, goodnight everyone, and be well!


Hello, everyone! Sorry for falling off the plane of existence again, been dealing with some rough growing up crap. It sucks how everything around you slowly falls away and either can't keep up with you, or you can't keep up with it. In my case, I managed to get ahead. 
          My sweet, furry, 'old lady' passed away on 1/20/2024. It was very sudden, and very hard to come to terms with the reality she was gone. I had legitimately grown up with her. And she played a very important roll in my life in a home of abuse. She really helped me get through and was an actual reason I got out of bed in the mornings. Otherwise, I would've wasted away hiding in a room for most of my adolescent and teens years. 
          I guess the saying really does go; "Dog is man's best friend"
          Goodbye, Surrey. 
          (Sorry of this a really bummer post. I haven't been on here in a while, but just felt it helped give some insight to where I've been lol, please enjoy your day!)


HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone was able to leave 2023 with a bang! And hey, that includes going to bed early, too! (Like me, lol) My new year's resolution is to not only work on getting back in shape, but to also publish my chapters to my stories and finish another story of mine. 'Cos, hey, one story finished is history made on my forum! Haha, anyway! What are you guy's New Year resolutions? You don't have to say if you don't want to, just know that I support you and know you can make it happen. And if not this year, you have the next!