
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD YEAR! Also i just remembered endgame depression again. Also please feel free to text me if you need any kind of motivation or any thing.


Hey guys so I'm thinking of writing a oneshot book and i need prompts rules are i will not do smut, ships like tomarry, Tony stark × peter parker, things like that, my fandoms are harry potter, marvel, doctor who, merlen and mha. 
          Thanks my guys, gals and non binary pals    


@Hamilton698 That's good!..... People are so weird


@Thefifthwallbreaker ya there is, i don't like it so i didn't want to do it 


@Hamilton698 What! There's a Tony stark x Peter Parker ship?! I had no clue!


          Hi, this isn't a copy and paste thing, I just wanted you to know how kind you are! Thank you for caring about me and my mental health! You truly are an amazing person.
          I hope the rest of the week goes exquisite for you. Momma bear loves you <3


@momma--bear Thank you momma! I hope you also have an exquisite week! I love you too momma! 


If you were killed I wouldn't be at your funeral. I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everyone you care about including me. See how many times you get this. I want you to know you're an amazing friend, till death, and forever. If I don't get this I understand, but I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, send it to 15 people. nobody knows how important someone is until they lose them. Apparently if you copy paste this, you will have the best day of your life. I love you, my fellow family on Wattpad. 


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person, if I don’t get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you can send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realize they love you (might even be your parents for the 100th time). Apparently if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck. ❤️


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person, if I don’t get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you can send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realise they love you (might even be your parents for the 100th time). Apparently if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck. <3