
Guys! It’s been a year since I last posted on this! What am I doing wrong in my life dang it?! 
          	To my 194 followers! Please share Prison Island! Get that story out there! People are loving it besides the terrible grammar! I’m working on it I promise! Any cover ideas and title recommendations are greatly welcomed! 
          	Thanks and see you in hell bitches! 


Guys! It’s been a year since I last posted on this! What am I doing wrong in my life dang it?! 
          To my 194 followers! Please share Prison Island! Get that story out there! People are loving it besides the terrible grammar! I’m working on it I promise! Any cover ideas and title recommendations are greatly welcomed! 
          Thanks and see you in hell bitches! 


this message may be offensive
Alrighty you guys! I have been doing a lot of thinking and I think it’s time for a tiny vote! Recently, some people messaged me and posted on my message board asking for a sequel of Isiah and Jason. I don’t mind doing it but there is some complications I’m worried about if being completely honest. 
          1. First story was a pretty good success! Has 36k only issue with that is most of the reads went straight to the prologue and chapter 1 and that bothers my soul. It means majority of people stop after reading a chapter or prologue because they think the story was gonna be written like a play when clearly it isn’t. If they read past the prologue onto to chapter 1 readers get offended cause of Alex making fun of some girl.... it’s annoying but happens.
          2. The story kind of blew over if you know what I mean. Sure, it had everything required but after a while it just.... took a turn for the worst and a lot of things did NOT make any sense. It seems I tried to hard to be funny by adding tons Of shenanigans. However! People enjoyed it so I guess that’s not too big of a problem...
          3. I am pooped! There’s barely anything left for me. 
          So, the big question is this! Would you guys like a sequel of strictly Isiah and Jason? No more switching POVs, no more Alex, and no other random stuff. Just these two and supporting characters. If yes I just need 5 comments saying, ‘GIVE ME A FUCKING SEQUEL YOU PIECE OF SHIT AUTHOR!’
          If this sequel makes it, who should be the only telling the story? Isiah or Jason?


I'm back to writing adventures of musclemorph and half zochomore  with my co writer made new chapters and we are currently working on previous chapters everyday she told me to say sorry to all of you that missed us writing but we are back and getting better everyday we change and add so much almost everyday so keep in check with it