
I love all my followers and more! Thank you so much for your time and reads and votes. It means so much to me, that my poems got 100 votes!!! <3 It means soooo much and message me anytime, I am always open to new people and ideas! PM ANYTIME!!<3 Have a nice day.


I love all my followers and more! Thank you so much for your time and reads and votes. It means so much to me, that my poems got 100 votes!!! <3 It means soooo much and message me anytime, I am always open to new people and ideas! PM ANYTIME!!<3 Have a nice day.


"She's emo? You'd cut too, if you've been through what she has. She's anorexic? You'd be too, if everyone called you fat everyday. She's a whore? She made one mistake that cost her, her reputation. She's a show off? Her parents abused her, & she's never heard of praise. She's loud? She's invisible at home, & she wants to be heard. She's quiet? She's afraid to speak, because she's scared to get made fun of. She's fat? She eats, because she misses her dead brother. She's a geek? She wants to get into college, so she can support her poverty ridden family. She doesn't wear abrecrombie? Her parents have been out of work for months, clothes aren't her top priority if she can't even afford food. She's ugly? Tell me, what is the definition of beauty? Who are you to judge them? You know their name, not their story. RE-POST if you're against bullying."
          This is a re-post that @Tinymax96 sent out from @Palpita. Please  read this over and think about it, because this really means a lot to me and makes me want to show the whole world so that maybe they can understand it too. :) <3