
Dear (EVERYONE)- bigger things happening as I finally get back to what I do best- writing. I just hope I'll have the time :) Thanks for my biggest follow-up, Unravel. What a fantastic group of people you guys have been. Hope you all can forgive me for going AWOL. More to come, soon.


Dear (EVERYONE)- bigger things happening as I finally get back to what I do best- writing. I just hope I'll have the time :) Thanks for my biggest follow-up, Unravel. What a fantastic group of people you guys have been. Hope you all can forgive me for going AWOL. More to come, soon.


Okay guys tbh @seasofme is the world's kindest human being- GO CHECK OUT THEIR WORKS!!!
          They have shared a poem of mine with a trillion folks in the dead of night whilst i was sleeping, and all i can do is return the sentiment. Thank you, seasofme


@HaZeartistVia and thank you so much for following :))


@HaZeartistVia you're right! @seasofme is truly wonderful :))


          Hello all! I hope you are having a wonderful day/night/afternoon!
          More SeverJaw will arrive soon. I'm afraid im in a terrible, wretched mood. Things are not going well. Never fear, followers! I will update the SeverJaw Leopard and add some poems. Enigma is pending, of course. Keep me in your prayers and/or thoughts. 
          Many slashes in this here message. XD happy writing!


Hello, friend!
          I have completed a new update on the SeverJaw! Hope you are having a wonderful week. I found about 30 mins of spare time to throw in a new piece of the story I was thinking of; I am pleased with the result thus far. :)
          Love and God Bless


Nobody can see him but the writer when he is a leopard. As a human, everyone can see him. But he is mostly ignored because he's weird.


So, the SeverJaw is a leopard. And he become a man at odd times in the day. So he is both a man. And a cat. Werecat.