
IT WAS RAINING  -  astrid was , at the least , very good at sneaking into places . he hated getting soaked with the rain water , but he was angry and felt like suffocating in the boarding school, so he walked the length to theo's apartment , with nothing but his phone , his backpack with some clothes, and an umbrella above his head . 
          of course , to his luck , when he got there and snuck inside , the werewolf was nowhere to be found - so he changed clothes , and waited in plain sight on his phone . 


@lcvesickpup   ) 
            " it's just . . . so pretty there . we should go sometime ! now that it's free of mikaelsons . . . but i wasn't really talking about the view anyway . " 
            " if i was happy there it made anybody around me happy . . . or at least , they all told me that - " he looked up from the ground to see theo , a small smile pulling at his own lips . " whenever somebody took me on a walk somewhere , i'd just get so distracted . i think i always distracted them too - " he suddenly gasped and laughed quietly , " believe it or not lucien castle knows how to smile . " 


@BL00DLUSTS      ;
            " calm down , you big baby . it's not that hot , " he teased , playfully nudging his side . " besides , the ice cream should make up for it . "
            theo glanced up at astrid , quickly shaking his head . " no , my parent's never really wanted me to go . but , i really / do / want to go , " he pouted , looking back ahead . " why do you ask ? "


@lcvesickpup     )   
            he didn't look around as much as they walked , only hummed quietly and complained about how gross the roads were and how dark the sky still looked . he even whined as the sun came back out slowly , " it's so hottt ! " dragging the word out . he smiled , though , and stepped closer to theo , trying to match up their steps . 
            " this reminds me of new orleans . . . have you been ? . . . - " he wasn't talking as much about the weather or walking to get ice cream , but acting like a child with one of his sires or even somebody else ; it helped him cope , and if it made him happy most of the time it made them happy .


mbv .


@lcvesickpup    yeah . . . you're welcome , or , whatever . 


@lcvesickpup    i'll always be here for you . i promise . . . even if you're no longer here for me .