
After a seriously long hiatus, a double release! Chapters 43 and 44 of Blood Flower are now ready for you! :)


Oh of all things, I realized I forgot to name chapter 26! /OAO\  Please enjoy Chapter 26: Classmates.  (As you may have guessed due to that, the chapter title is the last thing I decide, I don't name a chapter from the start because I usually use a word in the chapter that summarizes the entire chapter.)


I've started an original story! It's a sort of mystery again, but this is based on 'sing a song of sixpence'. It's a kind of test for a story I want to write, like the setting and the speech type I want to use. Do enjoy 'The piper'. :) 


Allo, I have realized a grave error I made in chapter 11 of Blood Flower. The chess piece that fell out of Alice's hair should be BOXWOOD not REDWOOD. Why? Because the chess piece is white. Redwood is well. Red. :P Anyway, I've given away a hint by pointing out the change directly. ;)