

this message may be offensive
I seem to be apologizing a lot lately. Seems I chose the wrong week to be active on here again considering I've had project after project after project all due by today so I've been beyond the point of busy. I have loads of messages to catch up on, and I promise they will be replied to by the end of tonight as soon as I'm done with my homework. Please be patient with me! School is biting me in the fucking ass.


Hello—first of all, Happy New Year.
          Now, I know I haven’t been on at all. A while, actually. I have my reading for this.
          My mind has not been in a good state, at all. Not even a bit. I wanted to take care of myself first before anything for 2018 and RP really just wasn’t my first priority. I’ve apologized a lot for not being on, but I feel like I shouldn’t this time. If you don’t understand, that’s fine. Dandy. Just realize that I will always put my mental health first.
          I hope you guys are doing well yourselves. I’ll get RP back up and running (deleting all of my dms as well) starting this weekend. Hopefully people to actually get on this damned app. I love you all. xx


reasoning* Not reading. Makes no sense.