@girlonfire21  i am in love with dirt and roses! You are a very inspirational writer! Never forget that! 


Hi! I checked your book My Days With Emily and i must say it is simply perfection even thou you barely started it! You have a lot of talent! So I was wondering if you could possibly check out any of my works? And maybe vote and follow if you really like them? I really need the feedback! And i would appreciate it so much coming from such an amazing writer like you! #staybeautifulandamazinglypurr-fect


Hai, lovely! 
          Welcome to the fanmily, I hope you enjoy being in it! Thank you so much for fanning/following me. I really do appreciate the support! If you have the time, perhaps you can read Amaranth and leave your thoughts? Or you can stop by my message board and start a chat with me whenever:)
          Anyhoo, thanks again!
          Shh. its a secret.
          Secret Keeper.
          PS: Don't be a stranger, come and stop by my board to have a chat with me (or anyone else on the board) whenever you want! :D