Me: *Starts watching Haikyu*
          	Hinata: *Exists*
          	Me: No-
          	My inner fujoshi: UKE MATERIALLLL~


I literally don't have anyone to talk to any more. I'm just now realizing this because I've started talking to my ex again and they were the only person I could talk to and they were the person that kept my relationships strong. When we were dating I had a small group of friends that I could talk to almost all of them, and I could talk to my ex the most of them. but now that my ex is gone I do have more friends. Or maybe not. My distant friends got closer and my close friends got farther. So now, being the whole therapist of the group or whatever, I have more people talking to me but less people to talk to. Because once you've been labeled the therapist people don't have to be as close to you to tell you things but that doesn't usually work the other way around.  But  that's just because of my trust issues. Trust issues. Right. That's why I don't talk. Because if I do then someone is going to send me off somewhere, tell me to take pills and hold it in. Anyway. I'm not really expecting a response to this. But I don't really care what you do. If you find this without it being announced congrats. Or something. Bye.


@HAHNerd I can relate to being the therapist friend, my one friend used to call me "the mom of the group", me and her kinda drifted apart and the problem is I still don't fully trust her anymore now that she's tried to become closer to me, because we had lots of arguments a while ago which caused us to drift apart, and now I know that when she comes to text me that it's usually because she wants something from me, what have I learned from that? Trust your gut and be suspicious of everything


this message may be offensive
Please DO NOT harass people because of their religion, gender or sexuality. I have had all of these be reasons for my harassment. I'm NOT going to 'change my mind' and I am ONLY ANNOYED.  Just DON'T. Also. Please feel free to talk about religion, sexuality, gender and what ever the fuck else as you so please. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. IF YOU GIVE A FUCK JUST FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT. Damn. Just don't try to shove religion or beliefs down anyone's throat. Please. And don't talk to anyone about something they don't want to talk about. Find someone who does want to talk about it. This is a random message I'm just being angsty over here. (666letters)


I'm in Nashville right now and was actually in the parade yesterday holding up a banner. At the end one of my friends (aquantinces??) and I were standing next to a protester and just cheering on the parade as it went and kind of muting him out a bit. I'll leave anywhere from 11am-5pm.


I found out super recently that I may have vitiligo because I've started getting white freckles on my arms and they're spreading. Also a while back I started forming this little lighter patch on my stomach, it's about the size of my thumb so yeah. That's pretty cool because I've always found it so beautiful.


Heya! BreTree(don'task) here! I am writing an original book and was wondering you want me to work on it then publish it when it's complete or send out chapters as I finish them? (If you want frequent chapters then I might take time for myself at some points.)


@BreSama do what ever you think would work best