
yong weekendwritein  published


that is very kind of you thanks


thank you so much


@GwendolineJClarke *caught me in a weak moment, but you're welcome*
            Here we go - 
            Choose Works/particular collection/Continue writing/New Part - post pic, title, story (and I like to specify the prompt word and date).
            Click Save (top right) and wait a moment until it says Saved on other side
            Click L.pointing arrow in top L. corner
            Click on Story Details, roll down to Tags, and where it says Add a tag+, type the current prompt word (like this week, it's 'fit') and Enter ('fit' is now added)
            Then make sure to click Save in the orange square top R. of page - wait few moments until it says Saved, then click L. pointing arrow at top of page, and you're back at your 'My Works' list.
            Open the collection, click on the name of current story (should say Draft under title), click on Publish (in orange bar) and Congratulations message comes up to share wherever you want.
            The orange circle with person head in is your message to other Wattpaders that you've made a new story - click on it and you can just see another square appears behind it, click on that edge and you'll get the invitation to Post to Your Profile and you can write a small message. Tick the 'Notify' box and Click Post and you'll get a message saying it's been posted.
            It's anyone's guess how long it takes for your story to appear on the list - straight away, few minutes, few days, a week?? Check from time to time by typing in the Search bar  #weekendwritein#fit (or whatever current prompt word is) - then you can see everyone else's stories for this prompt and click on them to visit and vote and comment.


sad no one seems to be reading my stories now


@GwendolineJClarke They aren't appearing in the current Weekend WriteIn list Gwen, because you don't have the prompt word added in your tag words list. And that's why you aren't getting any feedback. Readers have to search for you and many just don't have the time.
            I'll try to keep track of my exact moves when I do my 'prompt' tale for 'fit' this week and let you know the steps. May be a day or two.