
I am launching a new story on Wattpad today called Perfect World. It's a teen drama about some pretty tough subjects like addiction, assault, and teen pregnancy. At it's heart, is the story of two friends, Terry and Martin.


Estella goes missing, and Diamond learns the truth about her husband's affair. Now that they secret has been revealed, can Will and Pat ever find happiness? Read the final chapter of 'the delicious wolves' now!
          I finally reached the last chapter of 'the delicious wolves'! It's been a fun trip down memory lane, and took a lot more work editing it than I thought at first, but it was a rewarding kind of work. Who knew my writing style had changed so much in the last 15 years??? lol


          Thanks for checking out my story! You’re a super stellar star! ⭐️
          PS I am really interested in ‘Leda and the Samurai’. Did you have the myth of Leda and the Swan in mind when you picked the title or is that just coincidence? I’ll have to find time to check it out!


@greydaygirl Yes, the name does come from the myth of Leda and the Swan, though it's definitely more inspired by Japanese mythology that Greek. I hope you have a chance to check it out!


This is a story I wrote about 15 years ago, though it's been heavily edited since. It's about a group of friends from the West Midlands who went to war together. Despite all the odds they survives, only to come home and find their world slowly unravelling, due to PTSD and social pressures. Set in the 1920s/30s in the English countryside. You can read a new chapter, as I edit them, every Tuesday. Enjoy!