
Alright everyone, I know it's been a while but it's all been due to school and many other irl situations. I've just recently come back and I'm just about to start a new story, but before I do I just want to make sure it's all cool with you all! It would be an OC, with Sara Lance, and another character named Amaya Jiwe. Please leave comments below with what you'd think and whether you'd be willing to read it or not.


Alright everyone, I know it's been a while but it's all been due to school and many other irl situations. I've just recently come back and I'm just about to start a new story, but before I do I just want to make sure it's all cool with you all! It would be an OC, with Sara Lance, and another character named Amaya Jiwe. Please leave comments below with what you'd think and whether you'd be willing to read it or not.


Alright, time to come clean about where I've been. I've been working and doing school at the same time so it's been a little tough about doing chapters, **however** this does not mean I won't stop. This just means that updates may be a little more speratic from time to time. Please be patient as I've been working on a new chapter of Cap's Fun at the Island as well as some non smut chapters for my books, (in between the smut chapters) so you guys can stay occupied.


Today will mark the release of the next chapter in Cap's Fun at the Island, I'm sorry for taking so long with updated chapters. Saturday was my birthday and I took some time for myself, but that doesn't mean I won't stop writing, I've been plugging away at finishing that chapter and starting future revisions to the pornstar book for those who read that.


@Grunt50 Hello where are the updates??