
am very ill, so next chapter will be published sometime this week… sorry for the wait 


@Eucalyptus_Shrub You are literally the best ❤️


@Grimroe  I waited for the rewrited Sleepy Holo after finishing screw you Jupiter. I can wait for that long and longer for another chapter. 


am very ill, so next chapter will be published sometime this week… sorry for the wait 


@Eucalyptus_Shrub You are literally the best ❤️


@Grimroe  I waited for the rewrited Sleepy Holo after finishing screw you Jupiter. I can wait for that long and longer for another chapter. 


Wasn't happy with the flow of Chapter 4, so it's a bit shorter than usual... The next chapter will be extra long as an apology and in celebration of graduating ✨ 
          Chapter 5 will be up on May 6th, the very last day of my semester.


Hello all, it's been a while.
          I will make this announcement short and sweet for you by using a list,
          1. My user/name (Pohmii/Pommy) will soon be changed.
          2. The title of Screw You, Jupiter will also be changed for the rewrite.
          3. Sleepy Holo, the rewrite of Screw You, Jupiter, will be posted sometime at the end of January or the beginning of February. Updates may be slow, but chapters will be long...
          Preparation has been postponed and slowed down due to life but I feel that it's almost time to start posting regardless of how many chapters I already have ready.
          Thank you all for your patience and I wish you all a belated Happy New Year.
          See you,


@Pohmii ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




I love your screw Jupiter book and can’t wait for more. Also hope you’re doing well?


@Pohmii damn I'm graduating in June and I'm already suffering. 


Thank you, I appreciate the support!! ❤️ I’m doing well, thanks, how are you?  
            Things are slow going with the rewrite since I’ve been incredibly busy with school, work, and my internship— but I graduate in May so hopefully by then, things will calm down enough for me to focus on the rewrite! (but I’m hoping to start posting the rewrite by December/January!) ❤️


Hi, I don't want to bother you (and I hope your studies are going well) I'm just interested if there is any updates on Screw You Jupiter


@PiaRejcVipotnik Hey, it's not a bother at all! :)) I'm in the beginning process of actually rewriting it-- as soon as I have a good amount of chapters ready to be published, I'll post an announcement! 


Hey, a quick update about SYJ— IT'S BEING REWRITTEN :D I am in the process of planning out the story properly. The title most likely will change and the background/details of characters will change since I will try to make it more "realistic". I wrote most of it when I was in high school so I found most of the stuff I wrote cringey LMAO. I'll make another update about when the planning process is finished and when the official writing has begun.


          This period of time of not updating this story gave me time to think about what I wanted to do and what I wanted to write. When I first wrote His Muse, it had been only a joke at first and a way to experiment with writing text fics, but as you guys came flooding in, I put more effort into it, and soon enough it became something I was seriously writing.
          It had been all in good fun at the time and I was always excited to post a new chapter or talk to all of you guys, but recently I’ve noticed that this isn’t something I wanted to do. I began to feel odd writing about REAL people getting together. All this time I’ve been writing about them as if they are some characters in a fictional show or something, but they are real people. As soon as I fully realized this, I started to feel a little uncomfortable writing more chapters, but I didn’t want to disappoint any of you so I kept writing. I continued writing until I inevitably started writing less and less. Not only because of studying, but also because of how I felt about it all— especially since I began to lose my passion for writing. I still tried to write more of the chapters, planning to get it all done and over with, but I’ve decided to not post them.
          I will be discontinuing/unpublishing the story altogether. Furthermore, I will not be writing any other stories about Monsta X, celebrities, etc. out of respect for them. I understand the appeal of writing and reading stories about them since you can easily see them as characters in a fictional story, and I’ll never judge anyone for doing it since I was someone who did the same, but I personally cannot continue doing it. This was a tough decision to make since I knew all of you were looking forward to more chapters and I even promised multiple times that I would post, but I have to put my own feelings first on this. I am very sorry about this and I am very grateful to those who have supported me and have been absolute saints this entire time.