
Right, Just to let you people know. 
          	If you have changed your user please let me know (I'm checking anyways but it just makes it easier).
          	I am going to be editing this packs page, information and Roleplaying book and making a few new changes possibly.
          	If you want something changed in your profiles please PM this account.
          	If you would like to see anything then do so as well.
          	Also don't be such lazy buggers like I've been this last month.
          	Thanks for being awesome.


Right, Just to let you people know. 
          If you have changed your user please let me know (I'm checking anyways but it just makes it easier).
          I am going to be editing this packs page, information and Roleplaying book and making a few new changes possibly.
          If you want something changed in your profiles please PM this account.
          If you would like to see anything then do so as well.
          Also don't be such lazy buggers like I've been this last month.
          Thanks for being awesome.


*taps microphone* is it on? *turns it down* o-o Gomenasai.
          Ok, sausages. I am sorry for not being online for a LONG time but I recently started College ^_^ so yah.
          But I have been thinking lately _._ what can we do that is fun and most people can participate in.......much hard, this question is....
          Because I'm too shy to come on alone o-o I know, I'm an alpha ffs xD
          But if there is anything you lot want just tell meh o.o plz.
          I am asking nicely xD
          I swear I have not hurt anyone I ages >.> promise......