
          	You really want to write hange angst but have to performance assignments due and no plot ideas expect ✨angst✨ so if anyone wants to give me fic Ideas feel free to i mean I had an idea a while ago but I can’t set it up properly 


          You really want to write hange angst but have to performance assignments due and no plot ideas expect ✨angst✨ so if anyone wants to give me fic Ideas feel free to i mean I had an idea a while ago but I can’t set it up properly 


So I unpublished my book I wasn’t happy with it and there was too much missing but I have a different idea for a hange x reader that I might post soon but I want to plot things out and make a couple of chapters first so the plot would be better understood sorry for any inconvenience have a nice day/night 


@Shayreadsandwrites I look forward to reading it! (。’▽’。)♡


Sorry for not updating my story I’ll try to finish the next chapter my mental health has been taking a pretty big decline and I have found my self pretty unmotivated to do much Sorry thank you if you enjoyed my book I’ll will try to update it sorry again have a good day. 


@Shayreadsandwrites babe, it's okay to be unmotivated to not write a story or continue it, I relate to this so much. I hope your mental health gets better and just know your loved.