
Hey people I just wanted to say if you have any request please tell me!


@Grapezzzzz how about a story of a girl who is made fun of at school and befriends the animatronics at Freddy's Pizzaria! The animatronics become close to the girl and they go undercover into humans. But have the colour of their fur as their hair and wear dresses and suits. And soon the school finds out! 


@KahliaDoes_Writing good idea! I'll start on it right away -v-


I saw you comment on Purple Guy's Daughter On the "Mike IS beautiful!" Bit, that autocorrect is the best thing I've ever witnessed xD Also, when I checked your bio and saw your location said "Right Next To You" I literally checked and thought about a random person just coming out of my phone in the darkness and being like "Hello!" XD It's 12Pm where I live so I just thought of you hiding in my dark room or something XD


 So, in other words what I'm trying to say is Hi xD