
I’ve been off Wattpad for a little more than 4 months. Let’s hope there are new good books, instead of the same ole garbage 


I’m both. Lol, jk. I’m a Shemale, does that answer your question? I’m from the US. As for my user, I made it up. And I’m known for being a picky reader. Basically my name means I find out what’s wrong with every book I read. Kinda like a grammar nazi except I don’t really care about misspellings as along as it has a great plot I don’t care. 


If there were a Wattpad convention. I'd buy 300 dildo's and pass them out to all theses horny authors on here who've obviously never been touched by a male before. Since y'all wanna always write about the same crap, the bad boy and the shy nerd and if it's not that, than it's about a stubborn, sarcastic bitch and the player who eventually fall in love. But wait there's more; don't forget the sequel. The sequel is about them being married with their two bratty kids. No surprise there #BanTheCrappyAuthors #StopKidsFromWritingOnHere #BanClicheAuthors


I invite you to read my stuff and be brutally honest. Please do your worst/best!
          Ha ha ha


So how'ed  you like that guys book? 


@Nozrac thank you very much! =D