
Hey guys, gonna start updating as soon as next week. Forgive me for any late or shoddy work as midterms are coming up as well.


Remember to check for updates for your favorite stories and Vote if you like them.
          If you want me to take a story off of (HOLD) please let me know and I'll get right on it!
          And for those of you wondering, my background won't change but my profile pic will.
          Thanks for your interest in my little works!


IM BACK, MUTHABUCKAS! yall miss me? good. i missed me too. anyway, Chap 4 of DragonGem is up and i updated pronunciation guide CHECK IT OUT! and if ur wondering "y all the caps?" just read this in Tiny Tina's voice, and you'll understand EVERYTHING...not everything...just the caps... anyway, GET TO READING. i'll wait here.
          Sig: PONIES FUREVA!


@PsychoticMind im back now so u girls can untie tht knot in ur panties :3 now u have mediocre stories to critisize again :D and shes labeled first cuz alphabetically ur first names shes first. when i find out whos older (i forgot) i might change it. youngest first. all i know is im older than u both.


I AM ABOUT TO KILL YOU!!!! Why is Miss_Guardian labeled as your sister before me. That isn't even fair. You're lucky I have to be nice , because I would have murdered you. But anyways. Her new name is Dark_Crow if you have been paying attention. Which you probably haven't. And for the whole deleting your account thing......I was going somewhere, but I lost it. Just think super hard before you close it.