
Oh my! Would you look at that?! It would seem that Llewellyn and Turi have taken a little break before entering Flodau this week. (Translation: I'm currently adjusting with this semester's new schedule and haven't gotten around to writing a new chapter.)
          	No worries though! You can still check out this blog about the medieval feudal system on my official site for Artturi Focus here until those two decide to hit the road (and hopefully they will this week):
          	The feudal system is always a challenging subject to approach in modern underdog bildungsroman stories in which our  plucky peasant protagonist demands to pushed into new locations as soon as possible. I hope to take up that challenge at AF evolves.


Oh my! Would you look at that?! It would seem that Llewellyn and Turi have taken a little break before entering Flodau this week. (Translation: I'm currently adjusting with this semester's new schedule and haven't gotten around to writing a new chapter.)
          No worries though! You can still check out this blog about the medieval feudal system on my official site for Artturi Focus here until those two decide to hit the road (and hopefully they will this week):
          The feudal system is always a challenging subject to approach in modern underdog bildungsroman stories in which our  plucky peasant protagonist demands to pushed into new locations as soon as possible. I hope to take up that challenge at AF evolves.


Aiya, I'm afraid that I'm a little late with the next chapter of Artturi Focus. It will hopefully be up sometime this week before Saturday. I hope you are excited for it. Depending on what the new school semester is like, the frequency of posts may change, but I'd like to keep going on strong for as long as possible!
          While you wait to see what Flodau is like, why not check out what Avalon is like in various forms of modern media in this blog post:

          Fun Fact: Afallach is Welsh for Apple Island or... Avalon! Maybe you'll find clues of where this story will go by looking to the past. ...Or maybe I am merely tricking you into reading more about Arthurian legends~ Ufufu~


Oooh! I saw today that Artturi Focus reached more than 100 views today! That's absolutely incredible and I sincerely thank everyone who has checked it out.  As thanks, I think it is time for full (non-chibi) illustration~!  If you'd like, please leave a comment under this post saying which character from Artturi Focus you'd like me to draw and post in an upcoming chapter. Will it be the kind-hearted protagonist? The charming professor? A leek-hating child? Someone else? Suggest away! (If this gets more than one comment, I'll either go with the majority vote or place the options in a random name generator.) 
          Once again, thank you so much for supporting Artturi's journey!


With the publishing of Chapter Two, I will be looking through all the content posted thus far and editing any grammatical errors or inconsistencies in order to make for a smoother reading experience. (For example, in Chapter One, I said that Mari had dark brown eyes, by the artwork in Chapter Two pictures her with dark gray-blue eyes.) As always, if you spot any strange wording, please do not be afraid to point it out. I seek to constantly improve~!


Hello, fellow readers! If you were unaware, Artturi Focus was originally written as my thesis for a college course titled "Medieval to Modern". I'm happy to announce that it has received a passing grade! Thank you for your continuous support and readership. It means the world to me. Here's to more adventures in Afallach~!


@adelinangeles Thank you so much! Once I mentally recover from the finals, I hope to draw and write so much more and at a much quicker rate! :D