
I'm thinking about making a book where I upload all my unfinished stories... would you read that?


*this is a vent bc I need to let it out* My mom is REALLY trying to help but is still stuck in the 1990's. I came out to her as Bisexual when I was 13 and she said "stop trying to fit in labels you are to young to know what you like." I cut my own hair and now I'm grounded till the end of July because of body dysmorphia and all my mom asked was "are you trying to be a boy?" not even considering that maybe nonbinary was a gender. I've now come out three times but It's just not working. I know she cares, she isn't anti-LGBTQIA+ or anything, she just can't remember and I have panic attacks when I try to tell her.


@GoldenLockWrites I'm so sorry dear, it's gonna be okay! If you tell her enough she'll remember :] don't be afraid to tell her and about your panic attacks just remember she wont hurt you if you tell her remind yourself your okay 